I spent most of the day Saturday at the Opryland Hotel with the almost ENTIRE Elliott extended family. That's right...go ahead and count all 33 of them! One section of this group is my adoptive 2nd family, so it was honestly a great time working with everyone. We had people flying in from all around to be a part of this day, and thanks to the super-organizational skills of Nicole (shout out to her--she's amazing!), it all went pretty smoothly to be considering all that were involved.
We did a few large group shots of everyone, sub-families, couples shots, kid shots, and everything in between. Since there were soooooo many images from the day, I decided to just narrow it down to a shot of each family for the blog.
Hope you enjoy the preview Elliott family! :)
They look great so far! Can't wait to see the rest!
Loving them! And Love you! Thanks for the long day...at least we got a workout :)
Can't wait to see them all!
Thanks for the shot with my mouth open and my angry looking family. :(
Awwww, Jen. There's more where your mouth isn't open! ;)
I Love the picture of our family and in fact have set it as my wall paper on my work laptop. Susan is so beautiful in that picture that I find myself minimizing my windows on a regular basis. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures :)
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