If you haven't already seen it, check out the first part of Rupa and Jeremy's wedding day here:
After the Hindu ceremony was over, it was time to get ready for the second half of the day. Rupa and Jeremy left space in their timeline to change, freshen up, and have a traditional "first look" in their American wedding attire. Even though they were already officially married, they were both much more emotional for this part of the day.

After I took the above shot, I showed Rupa the back of my camera and she got teary. I don't think she had any idea what was in store for her. ;)

Time to get married...again!
Rupa is known to be a procrastinator and I love the above shot because she was literally sitting there writing her vows just before the ceremony (and she had no clue she was being photographed).
What other way is there to start a wedding in Mexico than to have a Mariachi band parade you in?!?
Another thing I loved about this wedding? The fact that Jer's parents walked him down the aisle with drinks in their hands. :)
I feel the need to mention that in the 4 days Chesley and I were there, this was the ONLY cloudy day. The sun came out at the end of the ceremony for maybe 2 minutes and we got these shots below...I was so excited and started shooting like a mad woman!!
And then we got the most perfect sunset...
Party time--and let me tell you that these people could party...and by that, I mean drink. ;)
*LOVE that shot of Jer and Rupa's dad on the hill (thanks Chesley!!).
There was lots of lifting people on the dance floor...
Jer's 83 year-old grandmother was
Ok...now let me set the scene for the next few photos.
The reception was over-looking the ocean.
On a cliff.
And people had been drinking for a few hours.
I may or may not have had an anxiety attack when the lanterns started catching on fire, blowing into trees, and people were standing on the edge--leaning over--when the lanterns started to float down instead of up. I thought someone was going to fall over the cliff!!
Thankfully, no one was injured and we got a couple of great lantern shots. ;)
Jer and Rupa sent off the first one (and only red one) and made a wish...
Rupa and Jer--thank you SO much for bringing Chesley and I on this amazing wedding "festival." It was hands down the best wedding either of has ever attended and we hope you are in love with your photos as we are.
I wish you all the happiness in the world and hope to see you when you visit Nashville!!!
To all the guests: ALL images will be available online in about 4-6 weeks, so stay tuned. :)
*Another note of thanks to my spectacular second shooter Chesley Summar!!!
OH EM GEE. Brooke....
Wow, wow, WOW!
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