I don't even know how to begin this post. The past 12 hours have been the most wonderful, blissful, anxious, exhausting, and completely amazing moments. No...those don't even begin to describe all of the emotions that went through my heart today.
My best friend became a mother. She and her hubby are now a family of 3.
Most of you know we have been documenting the journey to get to this day. Most of you know births are my favorite thing to photograph. Next to photos of my own babies, this is my new favorite shoot ever. It's going to be a long one...
Because I love these people with all my heart.
Because I got to watch this new love unfold.
Because this is what life is about.
Candace and Lee--I have already expressed my love for you both (multiple times) today. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me be a part of this. I have no words to tell you how much I love you three...
On my way to the hospital, I stopped to photograph the sky.
A beautiful, cloudy day.

When I arrived, Candace had just been hooked up to her monitors. She was already having regular contractions. This baby already knew it was it's birthday.

Both Lee and Candace were so calm and they watched the Olympics while they waited to hear from the doctor.
Once last check. Baby was still breech--it was time for the c-section.
Lee waited while they prepped Candace. I think he paced a hole in the floor.
Once he went in, my hands were freezing. I was so anxious and nervous for them both. I heard laughter through the OR doors and then I heard crying. I took a picture of the birth time...
Then I heard the word "BOY"...and I burst into tears.
Dad took this photo inside the operating room.
8.6lb and 20.5in
Introducing the most perfect Harrison Thames
Lee has never held a baby before--until today.
Candace gets to hold him for the first time. These moments were so beautiful to witness...
First smile--are you kidding me? Melted. Completely.
And another smile. Already a pro.
I said he has an old soul. Just look at those eyes!!
and Great-Grandparents.
A toast to Harrison Thames. It was a celebration, indeed.
These pictures had me in tears! He is one of the prettiest newborns I have ever seen! Wow! Well done Corams! And Aunt Brooke! congrats to all!
OHHH MY GOSH....those smiles are killing me. Sweetest face ever. He is way too cute for words. Excellent job documenting this amazing day!!!
Glad I got to see him in person, but its wonderful to get to see the full day through your lens.
Congrats again Corams...he is A-DOR-ABLE!!!!!
Love you all!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Harrison is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I'm so glad I got a chance to see him :) These pictures were PERFECT!!!
....and through it all you held it together to document the most beautiful moment of their lives. You are a true artist Brooke. Congrats to you for holding it together and Happy Birthday Harrison ! He is just perfect. Congrats Mom and Dad. Let the fun begin ! Cheers !!!
What a perfect way to start a Saturday!
Beautiful baby, mum and photo's :o)
Simply amazing! Welcome to the world Harrison! Congrats to Candace and Lee! He is a handsome little guy with so much personality already! And those smiles make me melt too! Great job Brooke!
Welcome little baby Harrison!!Precious & truly amazing! So glad you got to document this BK! Congrats again to the proud parents & grandparents! It has truly been an incredible journey and a perfect ending with his arrival.
How perfect! Brooke, you are truly a blessing to all who know you. What wonderful images to capture such beautiful moments! Congratulations Lee and Candace, and welcome to the world little Harrison!
Oh wow, so so beautiful. Seriously I shed a couple of tears. Amazing work Brooke, and Candace & Lee: congratulations! What a beautiful story. xoxoxo
Such a wonderful telling of the start of a fantastic story. Each and every image grabbed me and had me teary, but when I saw the one of Cheryl, oh my goodness, it was all over. Of course, then I went back over and over, and the one where Harrison is looking right at mommy when she's talking to him....oh! What a moment. Okay, they all are! Wonderful job!
These pictures made me cry, in the BEST way :) Candace and Lee and now Harrison, I am SO happy for you three! Candace, you have already been the best mom from the day you knew he was growing. I cannot wait to meet him! CONGRATS! Love you!
Truly amazing pictures, each and every one of them. Congratulations!!! Harrison is truly wonderful and such a beautiful baby boy. That smile, o...m...g!!! And those eyes!!!!! I can't stop looking at the pictures, they are just precious and captured the best moments ever. Great job, aunt brooke!
And congratulations again to all!!
Congratulations Candace and Lee.... Extended family as well. What a precious boy! What a blessed and exciting time you two have to look forward to. So happy for you all. Love the name too! Loved all the photos especially the last one and the one of your mom holding Harrison.
Brooke, once again awesome photography.
I seriously teared up looking at Harrison's birth photo's. Such beautiful pictures. I know I don't know you guys, but congratulations!! You're little boy is beautiful and perfect.
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