Matthew is my best friend's little brother and I could not be more thrilled to be celebrating his engagement to Jenny! When they asked me to photograph their July wedding, I was not going to let them get away with not doing engagement photos. They made the trip in from Chattanooga this weekend and we had the most perfect day today.
Jenny is a big coffee fan, so we thought it would be super cute to incorporate that into their session. It seems fitting since Matthew almost proposed by writing a message in the bottom of her coffee cup. However, he ended up going another equally adorable route...
Where did your proposal take place?
Justin Holmans house on Matthews 30th bday.
{Matthew proposed to Jenny after blowing out his candles and announcing that his wish would be for her to marry him...much to her surprise}
Where was your first date? What did you do?
Chili's...ate dinner.

What is something crazy you have done together?
Live 11hrs away from each other
for over 2 yrs.
What are your favorite "together" activities?
Dave and Busters (ha ha), watching
sports, walking the dog, anything outside.
What makes him/her sexy to you?
From Matthew- Jennys drive
and passion for our relationship and her career, her laugh and sense of humor, and
her kindhearted attitude.
From Jenny- his commitment to our relationship. When he addresess me as "dear"
or "hunny". His eyes and the way he carries himself.
What do you both do for a living?
Matthew- Student .... Jenny- Nurse
How would you describe your style?
Laid back, casual
What is one word people would use to describe you as a couple?
I hope you love them Jenny & Matthew!!!
I had a blast with you two this afternoon and can't wait until July!
I've been refreshing every minute for these :o)
Gorgeous photos and a gorgeous couple...
I am beyond blessed that the woman behind the lens at my little brothers wedding will be you. How did this day ever get here? He should still be the boy who once wrote he dealt with adversity by beating up his sister. haha.
And I am also blessed to call Jenny my future sister in law. No one can handle Matthew like you and I am happy for that. Besides his "bickery" nature he has a heart bigger than anyone I know. Take care of it and take care of each other...
Absolutely GOREGOUS shoot!! I love all the coffee shop ones, so cute! And that sunset silhouette is crazy beautiful!
Congrats Matthew and Jenny!
These pics are beautiful! I cant believe my sweet girl is getting married. You are an awesome woman Jenny and Aunt Joan loves you so much! Matthew you are a perfect fit for our crazy family. Thank you for loving Jenny the way you do!
OMG!! Absolutely Amazing!!! -amber
These pics have more than surpassed my expectations! I am blown away! Brooke, thank you so much for capturing these moments!
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