Oh, what a special post this is for me! Jess is one of my dearest friends on the planet. We have been documenting her pregnancy every week {The Bun Letters} and she has been writing letters to her precious baby girl. She is one of the most, kind, loyal, and genuine women I will ever know and I feel so lucky to call her my best friend.
Jess and Steve are going to be the most incredible parents. Seriously. They have been waiting on this baby for a long time and everyone that knows and loves them is beyond excited to meet the little one that came from these two spirits. RĂ©me Lynn is one loved baby girl!! She couldn't be born into a more loving, patient, and plain awesome household.
Jess looked absolutely gorgeous today. (I only told her that about 386 times, I think.) Steve--you didn't look too shabby either, but your wife is glowing. I just adore these two SO much. (Plus, I don't think anyone else could have handled my 4 year-old running in and out of the shots.) ;)
I love you both dearly and can't wait to snuggle on this baby and watch you become a family of three!!!!

Absolutely, unbelievably gorgeous. Just glowing perfection!
These brought me to tears...not just because of the beautiful images but because of the amazing woman in them.
Pregnancy looks good on you but not as good, sweet, wonderful, and perfect as it will look when Reme is in your arms.
I love you Jess and blessed to call you my best friend. Honored actually.
I know I say it a lot but it is true...I cannot wait to meet your sweet little girl.
Oh Mrs. Kelly…how you amaze me! Forever indebted to your insane talent! Love-love-love you!!
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